ST牧羊 - 此人不学无术,贪财好色,与人常做无谓口舌之争,遇事夸夸其谈百无一用,判其投胎南瞻部洲,当一股民,昼则殚精竭虑交易,夜则膏油继晷复盘,终年盘桓于三千点,账户缩水日甚一日,活活亏煞他罢了
ST牧羊 - 此人不学无术,贪财好色,与人常做无谓口舌之争,遇事夸夸其谈百无一用,判其投胎南瞻部洲,当一股民,昼则殚精竭虑交易,夜则膏油继晷复盘,终年盘桓于三千点,账户缩水日甚一日,活活亏煞他罢了
赞同来自: 爱吃三文鱼 、runcai 、homanking 、xiaofeng71 、小樱2018 、更多 »
虽然过去百多年无数大事, 混乱和波动,但世界股票市场的回报却难以置信的稳定, 介乎7-8%左右, 所以,8%的年化,其实你躺着就能做到
Probably the best summary of global stock returns comes from an annual Credit Suisse report prepared by researchers Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, and Mike Staunton. They tracked down historical data going back to 1900 for 23 countries including the U.S. This graph shows the nominal (not inflation-adjusted) annualized returns (Compound Annual Growth Rate; CAGR) by country from 1900 to 2020 and compares it to the U.S., Europe, Emerging Markets, Developed Markets, and a World aggregate of all markets.
Probably the best summary of global stock returns comes from an annual Credit Suisse report prepared by researchers Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, and Mike Staunton. They tracked down historical data going back to 1900 for 23 countries including the U.S. This graph shows the nominal (not inflation-adjusted) annualized returns (Compound Annual Growth Rate; CAGR) by country from 1900 to 2020 and compares it to the U.S., Europe, Emerging Markets, Developed Markets, and a World aggregate of all markets.
赞同来自: sweat 、spring2021520