
The Global All Employee Share Purchase Plan (GAESPP), is an easy way for you to benefit from increases in the value of our company while giving you the opportunity to save money directly from your net (post-tax) salary over a 12 month deduction period.

At the end of the 12 month deduction period, your accumulated savings will be returned to you, together with an enhancement equal to a 15% discount to the share price, had your funds been used to purchase our company shares.

基本意思应该是每月从税后工资里扣除一部分钱,12个月后全额返还,并获得相当于股票价格15%折扣的增发或者是15%的收益(股价不变的话)?这个计划看起来应该不是坑,至少不会亏本金,就是这个enhancement不太理解 “with an enhancement equal to a 15% discount to the share price, had your funds been used to purchase our company shares”,有没有大神帮解读一下,多谢!
发表时间 2021-03-17 14:44





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